
I work with psychics and sensitives who are already aware of and working with their abilities. My focus is on cleansing and clearing of blocks, attachments, and unwanted energies, and on getting insights that will help you on your way. If you'd like help sorting out your more otherworldly issues, send me a message. Text or Email to schedule a session.
In person, on the phone, through Zoom, or via email. Please contact me for details.
*Please note: All medical or health issues or questions should be addressed by a healthcare professional. If you've got something going on that you're unsure about, please go see your doctor, they know what they're doing. I work in a supplementary fashion and don't claim to cure any disease or solve any issues because I'm not a doctor and the problem may well be a part of your life path.
Brett developed his relationship with the paranormal at an early age thanks to his parents’ knack for unwittingly picking haunted houses for the family to live in. At 7 years old he began teaching himself how to confirm or debunk his personal ghost-related observations and experiences and from then on, Brett harbored a distrust of authority figures and mainstream thought because they largely discredited the paranormal without due consideration. On the other hand, his background fostered an open mind and an attitude that absolutely anything is possible. This philosophy enabled Brett to find success working in such varied careers as visual arts, television production, and teaching. It also inspired Brett to develop and pursue the gift of his paranormal abilities, which allows him to (remotely or in person):
communicate with ghosts, angels, and other entities
clear ghosts, demons, and negative energy from locations and people
heal with energy
rescue or assist spirits with moving on if they are stuck here
When he's got permission from his wife, Brett rides off to explore the country on his motorcycle, or finds budget adventure in other parts of the world, often for months at a time, and always seeking the paranormal.

The most effective way to schedule a session or connect with me is through email or text.
Please note: When you contact me for this service, do not provide details in the initial conversation. I don't want to be subconsciously influenced by anything you’ve told me.
Thank you for your interest. I hope to speak with you soon!
Brett Carstens
(310) 362-7602 Text only please
1901 Lincoln Blvd #523, Santa Monica, CA 90405